Painting Update

So we’ve been slowly coming out of another lockdown and this has allowed me to push on with a ton more painting than normal. This has meant I’ve managed to get another chunk of the gray army painted.

Finding Gaming Influence in Asian TV and Film

I suspect that most gamers find influence on what games to play or scenarios from a number of sources, including books, history, comics and Film/TV. In this short article I’m going to look at finding influence in film and tv for Asian based game ideas. Getting hold of Asian films isn’t all that hard, as … More Finding Gaming Influence in Asian TV and Film

China 1911

In the autumn of 1911 saw some of the biggest changes politically in China’s history. For the last 247 years China was ruled by the Qing dynasty. With failures to modernize China the people were becoming unhappy with Imperial rule and their ability to protect China from foreign powers. Several political anti-Qing groups with the … More China 1911