My historical miniature hoard

Some members of the painting group Sheffield Irregulars have decided to confess how much they have in thier unpainted mini hoard or grey army. My wife posted hers up last night, so i’ve decided to go through my historical hoard, and confess to how much I have and I’m pretty confident that I don’t have any where near as large a collection as my wife and friends.

Well here is the first image

This includes a box of Royalists, and in the bags are artillery. I have already painted up a unit of pike and musket for a Parlimentarian army, one of the sakers in this picture will be added to that.

The next picture is my collection of 54mm and busts, these are for competition painting. The Elizabeth the first bust will be painted for Salute, along with the resin Roman Orc.

I have a small selection of world war 2 bits and bobs, most of these will be built painted and then sold. I do play this period or rather in between the wars, in the form of a Very British Civil War, this army comprises of WW1 and early WW2  British.

My next image is of some colonial British Infantry from the period of the Zulu War, the plastic are from Wargames factory, and I was a little disapointed in the results of these minis. The metal one are from Foundry in Nottingham, and are an excellent sculpt.

The set set of images are a collection of odds and sods, there are some wild west minis from Foundry, bits and bobs such as an ACW artillery gun and crew, a medieval cannon and crew, pirates, Roman gladiators and 15mm minis.

The next image is my Napoleonic collection, which includes a diorama of Napoleon and Generals from Perry Miniatures, British Infantry, 1/72 scale Rocket Troop and some 40mm figures.

There is also a small band of French Infantry from Foundry as well.

The next couple of pictures include a 1/72 Ancient Greek Army, for a planned Greek States campaign, in the new year. Some Dark Age lords and charecters and a box that contains a French 7 years war army, or the start of one, 2 infantry units and 2 cavalry. Then last but not least a 6mm building which I’m painting for a review in Irregular Magazine issue 4. I also have a Celtic army which isn’t pictured here but consists of some infantry, 4 chariots and some lords.

2 thoughts on “My historical miniature hoard

  1. the historical is small, I plan to do the fantasy and Sci-Fi next, which I can assure you is much bigger.

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